Click on any of the documents below to view them in your browser. You must have Adobe Reader to view these PDF files. Many of the forms can be typed into prior to printing. A copy of the form(s) may be saved to your computer by choosing "save as" in the Adobe Reader program.
Welcome to Court Reporting Services! We are happy you will be joining our team! The information below is everything you need to complete to process your new employment and benefits. These forms should be returned to your supervisor to be forwarded to the appropriate office. If you are looking for the Per Diem Employment packet, it can be found here.
Forms are changed often and sometimes links get broken. Please report inoperable links by using the contact form or by replying to your employment email. Thank you.
Required forms:
State W-4 (do not complete the federal portion, use the form below instead)
Pension Beneficiary Designation (original form must be mailed to address below with direct deposit)
The above forms should be returned to your supervisor.
IMPORTANT REMINDER TO SUPERVISORS: Please FAX forms to Chelsey Kitts/Stacy Griffin at (217) 524-6875 or upload a scanned document to a private ShareFile folder and generate a secure link to email to Chelsey/Stacy - chelsey.kitts@illinoiscomptroller.gov, stacy.griffin@illinoiscomptroller.gov. These forms have social security numbers on them, so please do not send through regular email. Sending a link to Payroll does NOT give them access to the folder, it allows them to download the forms. You may set additional security on the download.
Benefits Choice Books - Use this link to review benefits available to you including health insurance, life insurance, dental/vision, flexible spending accounts, and more. Once you are ready to select benefits, contact MyBenefits at 1-844-251-1777. They will provide you with an employee ID to log into your online account, and register with a password of your choice. The representative can walk you through the process of enrolling in insurance/flex plans, or do it for you. This employee ID is not the same one you will use on transcript vouchers.
NOTE: If you are covering dependents you will be required to provide copies of documentation showing a legal relationship, such as a birth certificate and/or a marriage license.
Opt-Out Information - If you are covered under another health benefit plan and are electing to not participate in the State's health, dental, and vision coverage, please visit this link for more information. You can inform the MyBenefits representative that you will be opting out. You must include a copy of the insurance card from your current benefit provider.
Please fill out BOTH forms, if applicable. All CRS employees should complete the payroll form. Employees who anticipate having transcript and/or travel reimbursement (most employees) need to complete the second form. If in doubt, please ask your supervisor or complete the form. Please note that the Comptroller's office needs the forms with original signatures mailed to the address below with a voided check or deposit slip. You can also send these forms through a secure link in Sharefile to speed up direct deposit wait time, but originals should still be mailed. Email to Chelsey/Stacy - chelsey.kitts@illinoiscomptroller.gov, stacy.griffin@illinoiscomptroller.gov
Form for PAYROLL
The direct deposit forms and pension beneficiary form (listed above) must be mailed with ORIGINAL signatures to:
Office of the Comptroller
Attn: Chelsey Kitts/Stacy Griffin
325 W Adams Street
Springfield, IL 62704
Deferred Compensation is a very beneficial 457 retirement savings plan. It is similar to a 401(k) plan, but it is for government employees. You will be automatically enrolled in this program. Our office highly recommends that new employees do not opt out. State of Illinois Deferred Compensation website has more detailed information.
Information about Automatic Enrollment.
If you are automatically enrolled, 3% of your before-tax pay will be deducted
from your paycheck, deposited into your Plan account, and invested in the
Auto-Enrollment Stable Value Return Fund.
Unless you change the default investment within 140 days after your hire
date, any balance you have in the Auto-Enrollment Stable Value Return Fund
and all future contributions will be invested in the Target Retirement Fund
with the year closest to when you will turn age 65.
• Once your contributions begin, effective the pay period following the 30th day
of employment, you can change your contribution rate or investments at any
• If you do not want to participate in the Plan, you can opt out within 30 days
of your hire date. If you do not want to participate in the Plan and fail to opt
out within 30 days, you can contact Empower within 90 days of being
automatically enrolled to request that your contributions be returned to
you. Should you choose to opt out of the Plan, your contribution rate will
automatically be changed to 0%.
(Click on each program name to visit the website)
WebHR - This is our leave benefits and where we keep employee files. You will manage your paid leave benefits (vacation, sick, personal days, etc.) through WebHR. You will be sent a link to activate your account after your employment documents are finalized. It will be sent to the email address on your application unless you specify otherwise. This email address can be changed if you would prefer to use a work email address once you receive it.
Court Transcript Fees (CTF) - This is the program to submit transcript fee requests payable by the State of Illinois through this online system. If you will not be submitting for transcript reimbursements, you may skip this registration. If you do not have a CSR license, please use the Employee ID number on your employment confirmation letter. For tutorial videos on how to register for and use CTF, please click here.
If you will be getting a work email address, and prefer to use that for this purpose, please wait until your email address is assigned. If you have questions about if you will receive a work email, ask your supervisor.
MyPayStubs - Payroll stubs are available online only. You must register for an account on the website after receiving your first check by direct deposit. If you use the same email address as the CTF account above, after registering for both, they will share registration passwords so you will only need to remember one. NOTE: Please get approved and log in to the CTF system prior to trying to register for PayStubs. The two systems are related if you use the same email address for both.
ShareFile - This is an online file backup cloud. Court reporters and court specialists who prepare transcripts are required to backup files at least once a month. Click on the ShareFile link for more information and information on how to register. If you will not be preparing transcripts, you may also skip this step.
UPLOAD TO EMPLOYEE'S WEBHR ACCOUNT: The forms below should be uploaded to the employee's personal WebHR account. Do not submit with the payroll forms listed above unless directed to do so. Your supervisor should have access to do this, or the new employee may do it once they have activated their account. Please notify Dustie Spradlin (dustie@ilcrs.com) once the forms have been uploaded so we can check to see if we have everything needed on file.
Photo ID Request (request through WebHR account using "Forms" on the dashboard)
Administrative Regulations Acknowledgment (see Regulations book below)
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Acknowledgement (see Policy below)
W-9 - Request for Taxpayer ID (please upload as a separate file from the rest)
How employees upload forms in WebHR:

Pursuant to Illinois law, all new employees must be certified annually in Sexual Harassment Prevention Training. Please speak to your supervisor about signing up for this required training.
The FOR EMPLOYEES section of our website contains many important things you will need to know during the course of your employment. It will be important to familiarize yourself with these documents. It is most important to review the following documents linked on the resource documents page:
Link to our Resource Documents page which contains many of employment documents you need, such as:
Administrative Regulations - the policies and handbook for employment
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy - policy on workplace behavior
Code of Conduct - additional information about conduct by employees
AOIC Standards - information about the security and keeping of court records, including retention
Other links:
Benefits Books - all benefit choices, options, and premiums
CRS YouTube Page - video webinars and tutorials on many aspects of working for CRS.