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voucher forms

Click on any of the documents below to view them in your browser.  You must have Adobe Reader to view these PDF files.  Many of the forms can be typed into prior to printing.  A copy of the form(s) may be saved to your computer by choosing "save as" in the Adobe Reader program.

Court Transcript Fee (CTF) System

NOTE:  As of October 15, 2019, we are no longer accepting paper vouchers for transcript payments. Please use CTF to enter payment requests.  If you are a retired/resigned reporter, you will need to sign up for an account by clicking on Go To CTF above and creating a new account.  We will also need a current W9 form from you. Contact your former supervisor about the payment submission process for that circuit.

Travel Vouchers 

**IMPORTANT TRAVEL VOUCHER NOTES**:  You must download the voucher forms to your computer and open with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader in order to have the calculations work correctly.  Only one calendar month may be submitted per voucher.



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