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ShareFile is a web-based program which allows employees to securely backup files into a storage cloud. This backup meets the Administrative Regulations and Supreme Court's requirements that all records of proceedings be retained in a secure manner. The primary focus is on the backup of writer files (raw notes directly from the SD card), personal dictionaries and completed transcripts in PDF format. Translated files may also be backed up for reporter's personal use, however keep in mind that as software versions change, these files would be more difficult to access in an emergency situation.  Per Administrative Regulations, the reporter who took the notes always retains the first right to transcription.

*IMPORTANT NOTE* Reporters should keep a personal backup copy of all files as well. The ShareFile copy SHOULD NOT be the only copy.  It is intended as a secondary backup system.

NEW USERS:  You will need to request a log-in if you do not have one yet.  Email Randi Lucas at to request your account activation from the email address you want to use for your log-in ID.

FORGOT PASSWORD?  Go to the log-in page (button above).  Enter your email address as your user ID and then click the "Forgot Password?" link below the Log-In button on the ShareFile website.  ShareFile will assist you in resetting your password. Court Reporting Services does not have access to your password.


TECHNICAL ISSUES:  For technical issues with your ShareFile account, please call ShareFile at (800) 441-3453. Follow the prompts for technical support. If you have any other questions, please contact Randi Lucas by email.

DOWNLOAD CITRIX APP:  Instead of using the website to upload files, after getting your log-in information, you can download the ShareFile Citrix App.  After logging in, the "Apps" link should be in the upper-right corner of the web page.

ShareFile Requirements

Helpful Documents

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