The applications for examinations administered by our office to employees are available below. These exams are not given to the general public. If you are looking for information on the Illinois Shorthand Reporter Licensing exam, please visit www.idfpr.com.
Part-A Exam - this stenographic exam consists of two parts: a 5 minute testimony portion at 190 words per minute and a 5 minute general portion at 150 words per minute. There is a two-hour editing period for this exam. Both portions must be passed with at least 95% accuracy. Both portions do not need to be passed at the same time. This exam is used for employees to promote to the Official Court Reporter 1 position.
Computer Proficiency Exam - this stenographic exam consists of TWO different audio recordings that are 5 minutes of two-voice testimony at 200 words per minute. Applicants can use audio sync and will get to choose which test they would like to turn in. They will have 10 minutes to edit and produce a PDF file to turn in on electronic media. The transcript must be at 96% or higher accuracy. Employees may take this exam to obtain computer proficiency, to practice for the National Court Reporters Association’s Certified Realtime Reporter examination and/or to qualify for the Official Court Reporter 3 position. This exam is not mandatory for employment.
Realtime Proficiency Exam - this stenographic exam consists of TWO different audio recordings that are 5 minutes of two-voice testimony at 200 words per minute. The reporter must be displaying realtime translation during the exam. Following the 5 minute dictation, an unedited PDF must be created and turned in on electronic media. The translation must be at 96% or higher accuracy. Employees may take this exam to obtain realtime proficiency, to practice for the National Court Reporters Association’s Certified Realtime Reporter examination and/or to qualify for the Official Court Reporter 4 position. This exam is not mandatory for employment.
Practice Audio
Click a button below for a link to retired exam material. You may download to your computer or play directly from the webpage.
Practice audio available on YouTube